Equal Employment Opportunity

The California Exposition & State Fair is committed to equal employment opportunity for all persons, including those with disabilities.  Accordingly, the Cal Expo Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) supports the Statewide Disability Advisory Council (SDAC) that serves the State of California.

DAC stands for “Disability Advisory Committee.” The Cal Expo DAC advises management on Department policies and activities affecting persons with disabilities, raises disability awareness through education and training, and assists the Department in complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and related statutes.

Members of the DAC include employees with and without disabilities that share a passion for the issues facing people with disabilities.

DAC meets the first Wednesday of every quarter (January, April, July, and October) from 12 pm to 1 pm.

October is National Disability Awareness Month to raise awareness and provide education to our staff.


Tyler Albert – Co-Chairperson

Anusha Govindan – Co-Chairperson