The California State Fair draws the top youth livestock producers throughout the state. The competition recognizes and rewards a year of hard work and learning and provides the public with an opportunity see some of the highest quality Livestock that is produced in the State. Those individuals who exhibit the best market beef, sheep, swine will be recognized at Livestock Awards Ceremony Presented by Tractor Supply Co. and will receive a cash premium and be honored for the efforts they made to grow and show quality livestock.
(Subject To Change)
Mandatory Large Animal meeting followed by
Preliminary & Semifinal Rounds (L1)
Judge Junior Sheep Lead Competition (L2)
Selection of all State Fair Grand and Reserve Grand
Champion Market Animals (Hogs followed by Goats
followed by Lambs followed by Steers) (L1)
Judge County Fair Best of Show Large Animal Master
Showmanship (L1)
Judge State Fair Master Showmanship and FFA Round
Robin (L1)
Junior Livestock Awards Ceremony:
Announcement of Large Animal Champion
Challenge Winners (L1)
Selection of Beef Supreme Champions
(Females followed by Bulls) (L1)
Small Animal Preliminary and Semi Final Champion
Challenge Rounds following the show
(Subject To Change)
Champion Challenge Preliminary Round followed by
Semi-Final Round (L1)
Final Champion Challenge Interview
(Administration )
State Fair 4-H Master Showmanship followed by FFA Round
Robin Showmanship (L1)
Junior Dairy Cattle & Dairy Goat Awards
Ceremony: Announcement of Dairy Champion
Challenge Winners and Supreme Champion
Challenge Winner (L1)
(Subject To Change)
Llama & Alpaca Demonstration – Learn about Llamas and
Alpacas (L1)
Walk-a-Llama/Walk-an-Alpaca, Open to the Public (L1)
Llama & Alpaca Demonstration – Learn about Llamas and
Alpacas (L1)
Llama Limbo (L1)
Walk-a-Llama/Walk-an-Alpaca, Open to the Public (L1)
Llama & Alpaca Demonstration – Learn about Llamas and
Alpacas (L1)
Walk-a-Llama/Walk-an-Alpaca, Open to the Public (L1)
Walk-a-Llama/Walk-an-Alpaca, Open to the Public (L1)
Walk-a-Llama/Walk-an-Alpaca Open to the Public (L1)
Select Supreme Champion Sheep (L2)
Llama & Alpaca Award Ceremony (L1)