Sarah Whyte

Sarah is a photographer based in Sacramento, CA. A Vermont native, she has lived for many years in California. She received her BA in Journalism/Art from California State University, Sacramento. Trained in traditional darkroom methods, her early black and white work spans the fields of journalism and fine art. In both cases, she explores artistic expression through photographic imagery. Early work depicts the natural world, cultural themes and the human figure. Often, the photographs convey a desire to stretch the boundaries of the conventional practice of photography.

Sarah has embraced digital photography, with its characteristics that enable the creation of imagery that begins with the real world but extends to the imagination. Many of her digital images are constructed from select portions of her photos arranged in symmetry. While the process began as an experiment, Sarah adopted the methodology to construct photographic imagery that is uniquely its own.

Sarah has been a member of Arthouse, a complex in the R Street Corridor that houses studio artists and a gallery since November 2020. As a member of Arthouse, she is responsible for selecting artists and curating exhibits in the Arthouse gallery.

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