Livestock Judge Steven Beaty

Steven Beaty – Portales, NM


Steven Beaty is from Portales, NM and is 62 years old. He has worked a combined 23 years as a fire-fighter and Fire Chief, and retired as Chief in 2004. He has three daughters: Sandi, Casey, and Melissa, and 10 grand kids. Being retired allows Steven to devote time and effort to his family and the Show poultry Judging.  He has raised poultry since he was 12 years old.

Steven is licensed with the American Bantam Association as a General License Bantam Chicken and Bantam Duck and an American Poultry Association general licensed judge.  He has judged the APA National’s at Modesto, ABA National at NE Poultry Congress MA, The ABA National in Columbus Ohio and the APA Semi-National at Delmarva, Delaware. In 2018, Steven went to the Philippines and judged their National show and have judge multi shows in Canada. He is a Master Exhibitor and Master Breeder American Bantam Association in Black Rosecombs, and a Master Exhibitor and Grand Master Exhibitor with the American Poultry Association in Black Rosecombs and Large Fowl White Leghorns.

Steven has judged Large Broiler shows at: Louisiana State Junior show 2018 & 2019 with 225 shown, Oklahoma State Fair of Tulsa 2020 with 260 shown, Kentucky State Fair, Florida State Fair, Illinois State Fair, Colorado State Fair, Idaho State Fair, Arizona State Fair, Kansas State Fair, Nebraska State Fair, Alaska State Fair, Arkansas State Fair, and the Iowa State Fair.

He has shown his poultry since the age of 14, and has shown poultry from coast to coast in the United States. Breeds he has raised and shown include Rosecombs, Japanese, Belgium d’Anvers, d’Uccles, Plymouth Rocks, Brahmas, Wyandottes, Sumatras, Sebrights, RI Reds, Modern Games, Cochins, Cornish bantams, Old English Games, Large White Leghorns and Large Cochins, Call Ducks, Peking Ducks, White Crested ducks, Turkeys and Broilers in FFA and competed in the National’s in Iowa and won 6th place in 1974. His service to the fancy includes being a Director of the American Bantam Association and State Director of the APA and ABA, Secretary/Treasurer of the Rosecomb Bantam Federation for 12 years, Vice President of the Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club, and Committee Vice Chair of the Judges Continuing Education Program with American Bantam Association.

Steven Beaty - Poultry Judge