
Take an Exam to Gain Employment

To get a permanent position with Cal Expo, you must take and pass an open examination (exam) for a specific classification. If you are unfamiliar with the process, please see Hiring Process for guidance.

Each exam bulletin instructions may vary; therefore, it is important to read each exam bulletin carefully.

Promotional exams are open to current or former (within the past three years) Cal Expo employees and veterans who meet the criteria in Assembly Bill 3065.

There are no Promotional Examinations at this time.

The following Cal Expo announcements are open to anyone meeting the minimum qualifications. For complete exam information, refer to the announcement or contact the assigned analyst. Learn more about Career Executive Assignments.

There are no CEA Examinations at this time.

You do not need to be a state employee to apply for and take open exams. The below are continuous statewide internet exams administered by the Department of Human Resources (CalHR).


There are no Cal Expo Examinations at this time.